First Input Delay (FID) by Google will be replaced by INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

Technical SEO
Interaction to Next Paint

In the continuously evolving sphere of SEO, maintaining a competitive edge is of utmost importance. With Google's incessant pursuit of improving user experience, two key metrics have emerged in recent times: FID meaning (First Input Delay) and INP (Interaction to Next Paint). In this comprehensive article, we will delve into these metrics, their significance, and their impact on the world of search engine optimization.

What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's understand what INP stands for and why it's a game-changer in the SEO landscape.


INP, or Interaction to Next Paint, is a user-centric metric introduced by Google. It measures the time it takes for a web page to respond to a user's interaction and display the next visible change on the screen. This interaction could be anything from clicking a link to tapping a button or scrolling.

Significance of INP

INP is a critical metric because it directly impacts user experience. Websites with a low INP are perceived as more responsive and user-friendly, leading to higher user engagement and satisfaction. On the contrary, high INP can frustrate users and discourage them from staying on your site.

Current Status Of INP

As of the latest Google updates, INP has become a focal point of website performance evaluation. Google's algorithms are giving more weight to INP, which means it can significantly affect your website's search rankings.

INP Benchmarks

To gauge where your website stands, it's essential to understand the benchmarks associated with INP. Google Paint suggests that an INP of 100 milliseconds or less is excellent, 100-300 milliseconds is considered need improvement, and anything above 300 milliseconds is poor.

Future of User Experience: INP vs. FID in Google’s New Update

Now that we've grasped the concept of INP, let's compare it with another important metric, FID, and explore how they fit into Google's vision for the future.

FID Recap

FID, or First Input Delay, measures the time it takes for a web page to respond to a user's first interaction. It focuses on the initial delay users experience when trying to interact with a webpage.

INP-FID Relationship

Google's new update places a spotlight on both INP and FID, recognizing their synergy in enhancing user experience. While FID deals with the initial delay, INP covers subsequent interactions, making them both crucial for a seamless browsing experience.

INP: Google’s Game-changing Metric That’ll Transform SEO

In the world of SEO, adaptability is key. Google Paint's emphasis on INP signifies a shift towards prioritizing user experience. Websites that embrace this change are poised to reap substantial rewards in terms of improved rankings and user engagement.

How INP will Revolutionise Web Performance

FID has served as a crucial metric for web performance for years. However, with the rise of INP, it's time to bid farewell to the old ways and embrace this revolutionary change.

INP’s Impact on Web Performance

INP not only measures user interaction but also encourages website owners to optimize their sites for speed and responsiveness, ultimately benefiting SEO rankings.

How Website Owners Can Revolutionise Their Web Performance

Now that the significance of INP is clear, let's explore actionable steps that website owners can take to revolutionise their web performance.

Tips for Optimising INP

  • Optimise Server Response Time: Reduce server response times to ensure quicker interactions.
  • Prioritise Critical Rendering Path: Focus on rendering critical content first to expedite the user's perception of speed.
  • Minimise Third-party Scripts: Limit the use of third-party scripts to reduce INP delays.
  • Implement Lazy Loading: Load non-critical elements only when needed to enhance user experience.

INP vs. FID: The SEO Battle That You Can’t Ignore

The battle for SEO supremacy continues, and INP and FID are at the forefront of this struggle. Let's delve deeper into their rivalry and implications.

Which Metric Matters More

While both metrics hold their own significance, INP is gaining prominence due to its comprehensive approach to measuring user interactions. However, optimising both INP and FID remains essential for a well-rounded SEO strategy.

INP: Google’s Secret Weapon for Supercharging Website Speed

Website speed has always been a critical factor in SEO, and INP is Google's secret weapon to propel websites to new heights of speed and efficiency.

From FID to INP: Google’s Latest Move to Rank Websites Faster

As Google continually refines its algorithms, the shift from FID to INP is a strategic move to rank websites faster while ensuring an enhanced user experience.

Boost Your SEO: Embracing INP as Google’s New Standard

The message is clear: embracing INP is crucial for enhancing your website's SEO. It's not just another metric; it's becoming the new standard for Google's ranking algorithms.

INP: The Metric That’ll Catapult Your Website to the Top of Google

In the competitive world of SEO, staying at the top of Google's search results is the ultimate goal. INP is the metric that can help you achieve this coveted position.

INP vs. FID: The Ultimate Guide to Winning the SEO Race

To navigate the ever-evolving SEO landscape, you need a guide. This article has provided you with the ultimate guide to understanding and utilizing INP and FID effectively.


In conclusion, the introduction of INP is a game-changer for the SEO industry. It places user experience at the forefront of website optimization, challenging website owners and SEO professionals to adapt and excel. Embracing INP is not just a choice; it's a necessity for staying competitive in the digital landscape.

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